
Friday, August 12, 2011

The Adventures of Wonderslut, Installment Ten

By Alice Gaines
Ah, post-mission glow. Nothing better than to return to the Slutgrotto and get into a little R&D after saying good-bye to a satisfied client or two, with adoring glances and invitations for a return, next week. Job well done.

Jason sat across the lab area, his fingers working the computer keys while Felicity fiddled with the latest gizmos for the Orgasmatron 1200, a super-vibrator of her own design. She attached each new extension and then let it flutter, flicker, or buzz against her palm in the initial test. Later on, they'd get a more strenuous workout, but for now, Sunny had taken the edge off all her appetites.

Jason's too, because it didn't usually take anything more than the sound of the Orgasmatron to bring him nosing around to see if he could be of service, as it were, with Felicity's latest tests. But the clacking didn't stop as he remained hunched over his keyboard.

“Something's going on in the outside world,” he said. “Something either pretty weird or pretty serious.”

“How so?”

“Wonderslut's e-mail is overflowing with pleas for help,” he answered. “There are hundreds of them, maybe a thousand.”

“Have we been hacked?”

“It doesn't look like the usual type of invasion. None of the messages are repeated. No attachments or links.”

Felicity rose and went behind him to glance over his shoulder. Sure enough, everything looked legitimate. Nothing out of the ordinary except the sheer volume of mail.

“Can you tell if they're all coming from the same ISP?” she asked.

With a click of the mouse, he changed the view. Internet addresses, again hundreds of them, flew by, the seemingly random numbers blurring. With another click, he paused the scroll. “All different computers. If this is a hack-job, it's not like any I've ever seen.”

“Let's read a few of the e-mails.”

He switched back to the inbox and clicked on a message at random.

It read, “Help me, Wonderslut. I'm at my wits' end.

“My husband recently started attending evening meetings. He said his boss suggested he join a local business organization. I don't know what kind of business it is, but since then, he hasn't given me the business once, and he has this strange expression on his face all the time.”

Felicity tapped the screen over another e-mail. “Try that one.

“Dear Avenger of the Non-Orgasmic,

“Do I have a job for you. Gladys and I have been married for a bit over four months. Normally, she can't keep her hands off me, but a couple of weeks ago, her sister started taking her to meetings in the evening, and since then, nada. And her smile -- creepy.

“Please hurry. My pecker's going to pucker up and blow away.”

“No computer generated that text,” she said.

Jason glanced over his shoulder at her. “What do you think is going on?”

“Hard to tell for sure, but I'm afraid the United States is getting Blanched.”

“You mean like that pervert we caught and released a couple of weeks ago?” he said.

“It's not a pretty thought.”

“She mentioned that guy you used to know,” he said. “Sylvester.”


“Could he be running some kind of Sex Away seminars in the evening?” Jason asked.

“That's not the way he usually works. Quite the opposite.” Although if she'd learned anything about Sly over the years, it was that no one knew really learned anything about Sly except that he had tremendous powers of persuasion, to the point of addiction. “Did it strike you that there was anything odd about Blanche?”


“Beyond the obvious combination of self-abasement and self-delusion.”

He spun his chair around, his knees almost bumping hers. When she stepped back, he stared up at her. “That screwy look on her face.”

“Bingo,” Felicity said. “I should have known better than to let her go.”

Jason rolled his eyes. “You wanted to keep her?”

“Maybe for the good of the world.”

“You're a saint, Felicity,” he said. “Personally, I got sick of doing good with her.”

“Another learning opportunity, kid. We're in this for the people we help. The sex is just a job perk.”

“You can keep all of my perks where people like Blanche are concerned,” he said. “And don't call me kid.”

“I'll call you that until you stop thinking like one.”

“Brother.” Jason swiveled back. “What are we going to do with all these e-mails?”

“Better store them somewhere secure,” she said. “In the meantime, pick out one or two of the most deserving. I want to test my hypothesis.”

It figured that Jason would select only cases where the man had decided to give up sex. He'd as much as said that he had no interest in doing good with any of the Blanche-zombies. That would have to fall to Wonderslut while the Piston gave succor to the girlfriend or wife. She could handle it. In fact, she'd stand a better chance of success, given that she'd had some experience with Sly and would be better equipped to deal with whatever he'd done to his victims.

What Jason couldn't know was that her stomach roiled at the thought of dealing with the man who'd once served as her mentor. Popping her superhero cherry, as it were. Sly had always portrayed himself as one of the good guys back then, but he'd had a self-involved streak that threaded through his entire personality. If someone or something had thwarted him, he could easily have twisted into his own evil flip-side. He gave every indication of having done exactly that.

The auto-pilot bleeped in the Slutmobile. She'd been so lost in thought, she'd almost overshot their destination. She took over and brought the Maserati down on an incomplete highway overpass outside Des Moines. This time of night, they went unnoticed as she retracted the wings and followed the construction onto the nearly empty throughway that led into the suburbs.

“Bring me up to speed on this couple again,” she said.

“Frank and Louise,” Jason said. “Married five years. No children. Louise wrote that she could hardly keep up with Frank until about a month ago. Then, he joined a book club.”

She glanced at Jason out of the corner of her eyes. “Guys don't join book clubs, do they?”

Jason gave her a wicked grin. “Maybe if you wrote the books.”

She let the idea roll around in her head for a minute. “Maybe I should write books. Sex self-help.”

“Or stories about what we do,” he said. “You could call it The Adventures of Wonderslut.”

The Adventures of Wonderslut. It had a certain ring to it. Still... “Nah. No one would believe it.”

The gps went off, indicating they were approaching the house. Nice place. One of the high-end things that people bought these days. It took up most of the lot, leaving little space for gardens. No accounting for taste.

As they went up the drive, the door to the three car garage rose. A woman stood on the other side, glancing around nervously. Everyone wanted Wonderslut to show up at their house, but no one wanted the neighbors to see. Felicity steered the Maserati into the garage and turned off the ignition as the door rattled closed behind them. The woman rushed to them. “Thank heaven you've come. Frank's home. I made him skip his meeting tonight.”

Felicity climbed out. So did Jason. He walked around the car, followed by Louise's appraising gaze.

“You brought reinforcements,” Louise said.

“Yup, you'll get laid tonight, one way or another,” Felicity said. Avenger of the Non-Orgasmic always delivered. If Louise had been living with a Blanche clone, she deserved a good fucking.

“This way.” Louise turned and led them into the house. Jason took a long, good luck at Louise's ass as they followed. From the gleam in his eye, he'd checked Louise's body out and was up for whatever would follow. With any luck, Louise would enjoy her own husband and wouldn't need any strange cock to make her happy.

They emerged into a luxurious kitchen with stainless appliances, a butcher block work island, and a six-burner gas stove. Felicity could hardly take it all in before they crossed the tile floor and entered a family room. A man sat in a leather recliner in front of a huge flat screen television.

Louise went to him and kissed his forehead. “We have guests, darling.”

“Oh, yeah?” He glanced over his shoulder at them, giving them a blank stare of the kind all the e-mails had described. When he recognized them, his smile turned upside-down. “Wonderslut, Louise? You've invited someone who calls herself a slut into our house?”

“And my sidekick,” Felicity said. “By the end of the evening, either you'll have sex with your wife or The Piston will and you'll have to watch. Your choice.”

Frank scowled at his wife. “You'd never allow such a thing.”

“We haven't had sex for six weeks, Frank,” Louise said. “Six weeks.”

“I've shown my respect for you by abstaining from such a vulgar act,” Frank said.

Felicity went to his chair, bent over, and stuck her nose into Frank's face. “Tonight, you're going to give Louise R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Frank. I'm here to make sure you do.”

“Me, too,” Jason threw in.

“You've been going to meetings with a character named Sylvester, haven't you?” Felicity demanded.

“He said you'd say…” Frank clapped his mouth shut and glared at her. “I never heard of anyone named Sylvester.”

Uh-huh. She was going to have to do this the hard way. Only Frank would end up hard, not her. “Get me a chair.”

Louise produced a hassock, and Felicity placed it near Frank's chair and sat down. “Open your fly.”

His eyes narrowed. “Why should I?”

She concentrated on that special part of her mind, charging up a lust ray, and then mentally zapped it out at Frank. His eyes flew wide open for a moment, and then he reached to his zipper and pulled it down.

“Good man,“ she said. “I'm going to ask a few questions, and every time you lie we'll be able to tell.”

“What are you going to do?” Louise whispered.

“It won't hurt him. It'll feel good. For both of you.” She stared Frank in the face. “You haven't been going to a book club, have you?”

“A inspirational book club. Last week, we read ‘Holier than Thou.’”

Sure enough, something twitched in his pants. His cock getting erect. It would continue to do that every time he failed to tell the truth.

“ he there in person or via computer?” she said.

“I don't know any Sylvester.” The one-eyed monster roused further, now rising visibly from his pants. “Hey, what's going on?”

“Libido's a powerful thing, pal. Every lie is going to make you hornier and hornier.”

“Keep lying, Frank,” Louise said from behind her.

“Do you have sex with Sylvester during those meetings?” Felicity asked.

“No.” No action at Frank's pelvis. He'd told the truth.

“Do you have sex with the other members?”

“No.” Still, no rise from his tool.

“Do you have sex with yourself?”

“No.” Aha. That got a strong reaction. His member became stiff enough to qualify as real wood. Louise would get some relief in a few minutes.

“You all sit there and jerk off,” she said. “Does it feel better than sex with your own wife?”

“I don't masturbate. I don't have sex of any kind. It's forbidden.”

Three lies in a row. Bam, bam, bam. He now officially had a boner worthy of a wild ride.

“You're pretty turned on right now, aren't you, Frank?” she said.

“You disgust me.”

She almost fell over laughing at how his tool swelled even more. One more question, and she'd let Louise have at him. “Wouldn't you like to fuck your wife while The Piston and I watch.”

He was stuck now. If she kept asking questions, he'd climax without even touching himself, he was that excited. He had to want a pussy on him more than he wanted his next breath. If he admitted it, he'd betray Sly. If he denied it, his arousal would escalate to irresistible levels.

He gritted his teeth. “I don't have sex.”

His boner turned a bright crimson. Point made. Felicity rose and moved the hassock out of the way. “He's all yours, Louise.”

Louise had already started getting our of her clothes. Now, she only had to remove a sexy set of crimson satin bra and panties. If Frank had given her up to masturbate in a room with a bunch of other zombies, Sly had some powerful sexual pull over him. Let the deprogramming begin.

In a heartbeat, Louise was on Frank like rice on beans. She managed to wedge her knees between Frank and the sides of the lounger and then lowered herself onto his boner. The two of them went at it as though they hadn’t had sex in six weeks, which they hadn’t. Frank massaged Louis’s breasts while she bounced up and down on him.

Jason stood beside Felicity watching, his mouth hanging open. “Do you, um, think she’ll need my help later?””

“Could be,” Felicity said. “We’re going to have more work to do with Frank.”

“I’m ready.”

“I’m sure you’ll be up for the job.”

Just then, the sounds of a couple of really good orgasms filled the room. Frank grunted a couple of times, and Louise let out the howl of a powerfully satisfied woman. After they recovered, the hard job would face them all.

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