Thank you for joining us for the conclusion of A Halloween to Remember
*warning contains m/f and anal sexual scenes*
“I know. I know. I’m searching and trying to translate. I got Martin and his professor friends on it too.”
Yes, unbelievable as it was, Martin was an academic, a professor of religious theology and occult studies. Wild, but true.
“So far, what we’ve figured out is it’s going to take you being very open, very in love and willing to sacrifice yourself for him. The ritual also requires blood.”
“How much blood and exactly what do I need to sacrifice?”
“Not quite sure. The books have each mentioned it briefly, but none of us have found the specific ritual yet.”
“Wow, so helpful.”
“Sorry, wasn’t expecting to be needing spells or rituals to bring the dead back to life. If I’d known I would’ve started the research… like forever ago!”
‘‘I know. I know. I’m sorry. This is just so unbelievable. What a wild Halloween! We are plotting bringing the dead back to life. Eww. That just sounds so wrong. I keep having gory movie visions of animated corpses and worse. I mean where is his body going to come from? We don’t like have to kill someone to give him a body do we?”
“D, this is magic. The laws of physics and the world of rational thought do not exist here.”
“Uh, huh. DUH! But still!”
“Calm down. We’ll figure it out. Your dream man will soon be yours, in the flesh.”
Just then, Martin rushed in. “I have it. It’s so simple. At nightfall, you have to stand over his grave and wish him back to existence with all the love you have. If your love is strong and pure, the magick of Samhain will bring him back to this world. Oh, and you have to mix your blood and tears and then put them into the soil at his grave.”
“Blood and tears and true love. Yes, it’s all so simple and clear now, isn’t it?” Adena asked sarcastically, “Exactly how much blood?”
“Probably just a drop. It takes very little blood to invoke magick. The old ways had practitioners being overzealous with all the killings. There was never a need to kill to invoke magick. However, some deities are very blood thirsty and demanded ritual sacrifice.”
“Thank you, Martin, for all your help. I guess now it’s up to me. Do I love him enough? Can I cry and bleed enough to bring him back to this world? I am going out to his grave. I need to be alone. It’s almost nightfall. Is there anything else I need? Candles? Oils? Ritual tools?”
“A clean knife or something to cut yourself with. Or, maybe just a needle to prick your finger. Here, I’ll get the sewing kit and some alcohol.” Chrissy ran from the room to grab supplies.
Once she came back, she looked at Adena then gave her a big hug. “It’s going to work. You’ve been waiting for a long time to find the right guy. I think it’s destiny for you and Dimitri to be together. Somehow, you just ended up in different centuries. Now, fate has the chance to set things straight. It’ll work. He’s your man, D. I can feel it.”
“Thanks, Chriss. I’m going out there now. The sun is setting. Wish me luck?”
“With all my heart.”
* * * *
After creating a circle and lighting the candles like Chrissy had instructed, Adena sat in front of Dimitri’s headstone. She’d never cast a spell before, so she had no idea if she’d done it right. She wondered if she was supposed to feel something special. When she’d mentally pictured the circle closing, she’d thought she felt a snap of electricity, but it could’ve been her imagination.
So, she sat there waiting until it was fully dark before going any further. When the last rays of blue, orange, purple, pink and gold disappeared into the darkness of night, she lit the candles. She started hoping with all her heart for Dimitri to appear.
As she sat there hoping and praying, Adena thought about her life, of the men she’d dated and the man she’d always dreamed of one day finding. The more she thought about it, the more sure she felt that Dimitri was that man. Everything she’d learned, everything she’d felt when he’d touched her, all confirmed for her that he was her true love. Then, she thought about this spell. What if it doesn’t work?
Finally, the tears came. Big fat tears rolled down Adena’s cheeks and dripped into the grass. She grabbed the needle. Pricking her finger, she pushed a red droplet to the surface. She let a tear fall onto the drop. Once they mixed, she watched the drop fall onto the earth above Dimitri’s grave.
Blood. Tears. Hope. Love. It was all there. Now where was Dimitri?
Suddenly, a ferocious wind blew through the cemetery. Almost all the candles went out except for the one right in the center of the grave. Dust and grass blew everywhere. Adena felt a cold chill crawl up her spine. Goose bumps broke out all over her body. The air changed. A thickness full of electricity hung in the air like what you get right before a severe storm hits.
As Adena hugged herself, rubbing her arms to make the gooseflesh go away, a loud clap of thunder shook the area. A rumbling boom and a whoosh of energy knocked Adena backwards onto the ground.
“What the hell?” she murmured as she struggled to pull herself back into a sitting position.
Two large hands reached out taking hold of her smaller ones. They helped her back into a sitting position.
Adena looked up into the eyes of her lover.
“It worked! Oh my god, Dimitri! It worked!”
“Yes, it worked. I never doubted you my love. I am here with you now…forever, in the flesh.”
“Really? Are you sure? You’re not going to go poof come midnight? Turn into a pumpkin or something?”
A deep rumbling laugh erupted from him, “No, no poof. Come midnight, I will still be here. But, why would I turn into a pumpkin?”
Adena threw her arms around him and started kissing him all over the place. She was so thrilled. Within minutes, their playful, ecstatic kisses turned more serious and erotic. One of Dimitri’s large hands trailed down Adena’s stomach, making her tremble with anticipation. Teasing, he played with her dress until the material fell away. His fingers made their way to her heated sex. He caressed her along her panty line, taunting her until a finger breached the border and snuck into the panties. Slowly, one finger at a time, he touched her flesh, drawing out every aching moment. A hard finger dipped into her bare, heated folds then delved deeper into the slick opening longing for him.
Adena moaned. Thrusting her pelvis against him, his fingers slid through her wetness. He caressed the wet folds, parted them, so he could slide another finger inside her. She ground her mound against his hand, rubbing her clit against the base of his thumb. When he moved slightly and started circling the tight little nub with deliberate motions, she moaned. Her legs began to shake.
Adena’s back bowed. Her knees threatened to give out. She was ready to come on his hand, completely on the brink of ecstasy, when he plunged a third large finger in. Stretching her to the max, she cried out as wave after wave of pure emotion rocked her body.
With one arm supporting her upper body and the other holding her from where his fingers still were inside her, he kept her from falling.
After Adena stopped trembling, he carefully withdrew his fingers. Peeling off her panties and dress, he left her standing completely naked in the darkness of the cemetery. One candle and the moonlight bathed her in a romantically, wicked glow.
Adena stood there eagerly anticipating what was to come as Dimitri stripped off his own clothes. Soon, he stood just as naked. She admired his broad chest and thick arms, both rippling with muscles. The way his strong body tapered into his narrow waist and then stretched back out to form thick muscular legs made him a magnificently, spectacular male. And, he was all hers.
He pulled her body to his. They reveled in the warmth of each other, flesh upon flesh, body to body. His erection pressed against her, rock hard and needy. He pushed her back until her ass scraped against the top of the headstone.
“Sit on it and spread your legs wide.”
The headstone seemed pretty sturdy, so she put her bottom on it. It was hard, cold and a little scratchy. That would add to the thrill. The sheer weirdness didn’t go unnoticed in Adena’s mind, though still she felt as if she were in a surreal dream. She was about to have sex on top of a tombstone with the guy who was technically buried under it—the guy who until moments ago had been a bodiless spirit for over a hundred years. Wow.
Then, his rock hard cock pressed against her tight opening, and nothing else mattered. His hardness pushed into her wet softness. As he shoved in deeper, she arched to take him all in. Wrapping her legs around him, she held on tight to his body as he started pumping into her hard and fast.
She screamed in ecstasy, crying out his name. Her nails raked down his back when her climax neared. So intense, it threatened to overcome her completely. He gripped her tightly. Her senses left her. She screamed with wild abandon, filling the graveyard with noises that would surely raise the rest of the dead.
Dimitri never let her fall, and he never stopped moving inside her as she came back down from her orgasm. She opened her eyes and groggily stared at him. The corded muscles in his body rippled as he tensed.
Adena’s body was on fire. Her breasts stood taught, nipples fully erect and waiting eagerly for attention. As if he could read her needs, Dimitri bowed his head and sucked one nipple into his mouth then the other. Sucking harder, Adena cried out again as pleasure mixed with pain.
“My darling, I want to do something I’ve never fully done with another. Will you let me?”
“Anything. I… will…do…anything…for you,” she panted breathlessly.
Dimitri slowly withdrew his rigid cock. His erection shined in the moon glow along with Adena’s liquid pleasure.
“Bend over the headstone and stick your ass in the air.”
“Oh. Okay…” she responded. Now, knowing what he wanted, suddenly she wasn’t so sure. She’d tried this before. It hadn’t pleasant. Yet, Dimitri, she knew ,would surely be gentle.
She bent over and spread herself wide open with her ass in the air.
“Women of my time…they wouldn’t do this. I tried once. It didn’t go well. I promise my love, I will be gentle. I just have waited so long. This will bind us, bring us even closer.”
His mouth was suddenly between her legs. Licking at her juices, First he worked her clit. Then, moving up, he dipped into her slit. Finally, he went up farther, moistening her tight, puckered anus. Slowly pushing into her with his tongue, he dipped a couple of fingers inside her pussy at the same time. Once wet, he brought the fingers up to her ass and started gently inserting one inside her.
She didn’t tighten up or freak out. Instead, Adena let her body relax and enjoy the sensation. She revealed in the idea of Dimitri being inside her in such an intimate way. Soon, two fingers were inside her gently moving back and forth. Her pussy was aching. She was so hot. Her nipples scraped against the rough edge on top of the headstone. Such a wicked pleasure. What they were doing felt so naughty and so completely titillating. She was going to come with just his fingers inside her.
Soon, she was thrusting and bucking against his hand. Then, suddenly, his hand was gone.
She mewled with displeasure.
“Be patient my sweet.”
His cock slid into and out of her pussy in one quick motion. Teasing her senseless, he coated himself with her wetness. One frantic moment later, he pressed the hot tip of his cock into the tight opening of her ass. He inched into her slowly, stretching and filling as he moved within her. She howled with pleasure when his large cock disappeared into her. Taking it all greedily, the glorious mix of pleasure and pain, she moved against his body wanting more, wanting it faster.
“You are a wanton little tart all the sudden aren’t you,” he growled playfully into her ear then kissed her neck. ”Do you like this big cock buried inside that hot little bum of yours?”
“Oh. God. Yes. I never imagined that it could feel…so gooood,” she cried as another orgasm took over.
She bucked against him, pushing his cock deeper inside her. He grunted.
Obviously not able to hold back any longer, he started fucking her like a wild animal until he exploded. Several wild thrusts later, he collapsed on her back, still buried inside her.
After several minutes of heavy, exhausted breathing, Adena felt Dimitri’s cock twitch and stiffen inside her.
“Again?” she asked incredulously.
“I have over a century of lust and need to slake. Can you handle more?”
She wiggled her butt playfully, “Bring it on big boy.”
“Get down on your hands and knees in the grass.”
“Yes sir.”
She obeyed. Mounting her from behind, he buried his long, thick shaft deep in her ass again. At the same time, he reached around and teased her clit while fingering her wetness.
“Oh, god, Dimitri. You’re going to make me come again!”
She did. Over and over again until well past midnight, they were together until they both lay in a sweaty heap in the grass in front of Dimitri’s headstone.
“It is after midnight. As promised, I’m still here, my love.”
“You are. Are you sure it’s to stay?”
“ Yes. I feel alive again. No longer on borrowed time. It is wonderful. This is wonderful. You are wonderful. Ahhh…we have a wedding to plan.”
“A wedding?”
“My lady, I am so sorry.” He pulled himself up on one knee and knelt before her naked. “I must do this properly. Adena, will you marry me?”
“This is your idea of proper?” she giggled.
He looked down and smiled sheepishly. “Considering how our relationship started, I guess this is proper enough even though I have no ring. I promise I will get you a large, exquisite ring fit for a queen.”
“Are we to be married naked in the graveyard as well?”
“No. I think after tonight I have had quite my fill of graveyards,” he replied sharply, yet with a smile on his face.
“Hhhmm, me too. Hey, what about the house? You’re not going to ask for it back from Chrissy and Martin are you?’
“No. They love the house. It is theirs now. I just hope they will part with the money, gold and jewels I have stashed in a hidden room behind the bookcases. I have enough riches that we can build our own home far grander than that one. And, I promise to give you the library of your dreams.”
Adena’s eyes filled with tears of joy. “Really?”
“Anything for you, my darling.”
* * * *
Dimitri and Adena were married the following spring at the old mansion, their new home not being quite ready for wedding festivities yet. Still under construction, they’d had to settle for the next best thing, the home Dimitri had originally built, the place that had brought them together.
The splendid Victorian was restored to its full glory and then some, in true Chrissy fashion. Chrissy and Martin had added a few special touches to the old Victorian. There was now a sex dungeon in the basement, a hot tub and pool out back along with a few other sexy additions. These included benches with dildo attachments and an arbor with a sex swing rigged up to it. Also, several special areas had been set up so handcuffs, ankle restraints and other devices of pleasure or pain could be used.
They’d even added a museum quality show room full of authentic Victorian sexual devices and clothing. Corsets, wooden dildos, Victorian porn and other sexual oddities filled the room. The truly expensive pieces were well protected behind glass cases. Others lined shelves and sat on tables just begging to be used.
It all made for a very interesting location for a wedding and reception.
After all the regular guests left, the reception turned into an all out orgy. Adena and Dimitri watched from a distance while they pleasured themselves as man and wife.
~ "A Halloween to Remember" can be found in the short story collection Paranormal Pleasures: Ten Tales of Supernatural Seduction
It is also available at Smashwords.
Copyright © 2011 Roxanne Rhoads
All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or have been used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.
Copyright © 2011 Roxanne Rhoads
All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or have been used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.
It was hard, cold and a little scratchy. That would add to the thrill. The sheer weirdness didn’t go unnoticed in Adena’s mind, though still she felt as if she were in a surreal dream.
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